50 reasons why I love THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER

1. They are called The Black Dahlia Murder .

2. The name came from the 1947 unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short, often referred to as “Black Dahlia”.

3. They started with this name and never gave any thought of changing it. Never ever!

4. They play Melodic Death Metal for mass destruction.

5. The font they use in their band logo.

6. Their first demo album was, “What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse.”

7. And it had no song called “What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse.”

8. But well, they went sane for a while and released it in their 3rd album, “Nocturnal”.

9. Every band member is cool.

10. No kidding, they are among the coolest bastards i‘ve ever seen.

11. The vocalist, Trevor Strnad.

12. Inspired by Carcass, Trevor screams in two completely different voices. The low one is Bill Steer, and the high one is Jeff Walker.

13. Trevor Strnad’s first tattoo was inspired by Carcas’s ‘Tools Of The Trade’ cover art. He was 19 when he got those tools inked on his right forearm.

14. Trevor would like to have “we are the world” to be played at his funeral.

15. Trevor’s words: “I like that hardcore has a sense of community without the competition you see in metal.”

16. Second founding member, Brian Eschbach on rhythm guitar.

17. Brain is fucking hilarious when he takes up the mike.

18. Brain has 4 cool cats and a cool moped which he drives whenever he thinks “it’s a cool time for a cool ride”.

19. Shannon Lucas, the drummer.

20. Okay, it’s no cool to call him just a “drummer”. B’coz he is a fucking drum machine.

21. Shannon started playing guitar when he was 12 but then he got his crush switched over and became the beast behind the drums.

22. Ryan Knight, Lead guitarist.

23. Every solo work of Ryan’s. All of them!

24. Max Lavelle, the new guy on bass.

25. I still miss Bart on bass but Max is no wrong decision. His recent live performance are being appreciated and he is a great guitarist. Band’s bass is in safe hands.

26. Bart still helps the band in songwriting.

27. Just to remind you, they are called The Black Dahlia Murder.

28. Every Black Dahlia interview.

29. Specially when Brain and Trevor sit and talk shit together.

30. This video -> BLACK DAHLIA MURDER 10 Questions About Weed.

31. Lyrics. More or less.

32. Cover art of Deflorate.

33. This

Wait. What is Cannibal Corpse doing here?
Okay. Sorry. This sexy sarcastic humor of mine. Can’t help it. 😛

34. Let’s get back to Black Dahlia Murder. They performed at Wacken.

35. They headlined the 2008 Summer Slaughter Tour with Kataklysm, Cryptopsy, The Faceless, Born of Osiris, Whitechapel, etc.

36. They played on Hot Topic Stage in Mayhem Festival 2009.

37. The song, “Moonlight Equilibrium”.

38. This song is horny as fuck.

39. The song, “Everything Went Black”.

40. The music video of “Everything Went Black”.

41. The song, A Vulgar Picture.

42. The song, Statutory Ape.

43. The Ape .

44. Every song that brain writes.

45. Every song that Ryan writes.

46. Every Black Dahlia track is a fucking crushing machine that deports its own identity. No period!

47. The fact that they don’t take shit from no one.

48. The fact that they are still called THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER.

49. The fact that me saying this name again and again might be annoying the shit outta you.

50. Fact that, FUCK YOU. I love this name.

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